We can do any mask, even yours! No sales tax on any orders, ever!

Our production time is 20-25 business days.

Published on December 30, 2021

What’s Open for Diving in 2022

Since coronavirus hit it has created chaos worldwide, but some places have been able to control it and have reopened their country to travelers. Here are some dive spots that are open so you can enjoy your 2022!

Published on October 21, 2021

How to Winterize your Diving Gear

The weather is getting colder and unfortunately many of us have to store our wetsuit and diving gear for winter.

Published on October 20, 2020

New website look!

Hey! we are excited here at Prescription Dive Masks and we want to share the joy, we want to show you the refreshed and modern look for our website. You’ll see a new look, an awesome menu and new product sections but the same quality products and service that you already know. Also, we haveContinue reading “New website look!”

Published on September 21, 2020

Diving Jobs

Let’s be honest, we all know diving is awesome, but you can also have a job that requires you to dive, I know it’s not fair, some jobs are just great.

Published on September 14, 2020

Avoid a Mask Fogging while Snorkeling

Yes we know, mask fogging is annoying and ruins the underwater experience. But fortunately there are some tips that can help you out and have a fog-free adventure.

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