We can do any mask, even yours! No sales tax on any orders, ever!

Sue H.

Published on October 20, 2015

Okay – here’s the thing. When I got my mask I sat at the kitchen table and attempted to use the bifocals. It didn’t work so I sent you a message. You have been so kind throughout this process. You told me to lie on the floor and look through the bifocals then mark where they should be. I did that.
This actually is very confusing to me. Why is it that sitting at the kitchen table I cannot see through the bifocals. Lying in the floor, I can.
Anyway, you offered to fix the problem and I actually was going to send them back. The problem was, I was so busy preparing for our trip, I just didn’t get it done – Thankfully. So now I’m eating crow.

We went to New Zealand. I went diving. I even went on m y first deep water dive. I COULD SEE!!!! This was my first dive ever that I was actually able to see so many things. AND.. I could see the gauges! I have used contacts when I would dive in the past, but I have a strong astigmatism and the contacts helped a little but not much. These prescription lens in my dive mask are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness. You can’t even imagine how thrilled I was. I couldn’t help but grin (which, by the way, doesn’t work well with a dive mask).

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Prescription Dive Masks. I will sing your praises every chance I get and especially every time I have my face underwater!!

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