Whether your dive mask is a brand new mask or an old favorite with new prescription lenses; there are a few things you can do to ensure that it lasts as long as your love of diving…
1. If it is your first prescription dive mask or your first bifocals, your first dive with it should be relaxed to let you get comfortable with them.
2. These are glass lenses, so you can use the same defogger you normally would. Yay!
3. When traveling, take your mask in your carry-on luggage. Remember that these are your new underwater glasses and you would hate for anything bad to happen to them while being handled by a disgruntled baggage worker.
4. Every few dives clean around the edges of the inside of your mask with a toothbrush and some warm soapy water. This will clean out leftover defogger, sand, salt and face grease that can eat away the silicon of the mask skirt (and generally make your mask smell bad).
5. Everyone knows how frustrating it is when a piece of equipment malfunctions on an expensive and remote dive trip. Consider getting yourself a second pair of prescription dive masks to be sure that if a tank is dropped on your first mask, it won’t ruin your vacation.
6. If your mask does break, do not throw it away before you call us. We may be able to salvage part of it and save some money on the new pair.
With all that said, enjoy your dive mask and don’t hesitate to let us know how we can be of service in the future. Also; like us on Facebook to get updates and find out when Prescription Dive Masks, is in your area.
Best Fishes,
The Team @Prescription Dive Masks
Linda Young, ABOC
Diana Blunt
Bob Feachout
Chris Armijo
Brad Grimms