To serve you better, please tell us to what state are we shipping your mask to once the lens is done.
Our production time is 20-25 business days.
To serve you better, please tell us to what state are we shipping your mask to once the lens is done.
We noticed you are in the East Coast, Please call Us at +1 (800) 538-2878 or (619) 698-2878 to place an order with us.
We have an east coast location to make the process faster, but currently we are only taking orders over the phone.
Our business hours are Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM.
You can also fill in the form and someone from our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
© 2024 All Rights Reserved Prescription Dive Masks | powered by Local5x
If your Rx is + or -4.00 or higher in the sphere power, it does make a difference. High index glass makes the lens thinner and lighter. This is for single vision only in your dive mask.
It does this by bending light waves in a slightly different angle than crown glass.
When mounting into a mask, the thickness can be an issue in higher prescriptions. We can make it work by applying a heavier bevel on the edges of the lens. Our motto is any prescription, any mask, but sometimes with a strong Rx is better to get a mid -volume mask.
The PD (Pupil Distance) is a required measurement needed to fill your glasses prescription. Note: If you’ll leave the PD measurement blank, one of our opticians will reach out to you to for further assistance.
What is the PD?
The PD is the distance between your pupils, using millimeters as the unit of measure. The average ranges between 54-74. Some doctors may write it on the prescription. You can ask your eye doctor or local optician to measure it for you. They use a device that instantly gives them the PD.
If Your PD is two Numbers:
If the numbers are two higher digits like 62/58, then the first number is your Distance (Far) PD used for making distance glasses and the second is your Near PD used for making reading glasses. If the numbers are two lower digits like 29.5/32.5, then just add them together for the Distance P.D.
If Your PD is one Low Digit Number:
If the number is one low digit, like 33; just add them together for your Distance PD.
Option 1: You will need a friend and a ruler. With a friend sitting opposite you at the same height, ask them to place the ruler across the bridge of your nose, with the millimeters side facing upwards. Your friend should move the ruler, so that the zero value is in the center of your right pupil. Your friend should now read off the measurement to the center of your left pupil. Bingo! That’s your PD.
Option 2: You will need your glasses, a friend, a ruler, and a non-permanent marker. Put your glasses on so they are comfortable and steady. Ask your friend to stand opposite you and have her mark a dot on each of your lenses, exactly where the pupils are positioned. Take off your glasses, and with a ruler, measure the distance between the two dots. That’s your PD! Don’t forget to thank your friend.
Option 3: Do it yourself! You’ll need a webcam, credit card (We use a credit card because a credit card is a universal size and that helps us to configure the proportion of the image).
Kelly Baumruk (verified owner) –
I used the mask for the first time this past weekend and was pleasantly surprised by the clarity that I finally now how to see everything!!! I found that I didn’t need the bi-focals lower part after all, but since it is a small space on the lens, it is not at all obstructive.
James Fletcher (verified owner) –
I used my mask during my dive in Cozumel. What a difference! I’m so glad I did this. It as greatly improved my diving experience. Why didn’t I do this sooner. Thank you.
Diana Dove (verified owner) –
Prescription Dive Masks exhibited at the annual International Beneath the Sea Expo in Secaucus, NJ. We stopped by the booth and were provided with detailed info so that when our son needed a prescription dive mask, which was very important for a college coral reef research diving project, we chose Prescription Dive Masks. The staff demonstrated experience and knowledge and paid a great deal of attention to detail to assure a properly fitted mask. A pair of sports goggles for soccer were also ordered. Good vision is critical when doing diving research and sports! THANK YOU from the Doves of NJ.
Cliff Copeland (verified owner) –
Very friendly and helpful
Sandra Johnston (verified owner) –
I am so happy with my mask!! Your customer service is outstanding also. Thanks 🙂
Alan Perry –
I was leery about buying prescription lenses AND a mask on-line, untried and unfitted, however, I have never been more pleased with an on-line purchase than I am with my new prescription lense dive mask. This mask will extend my diving “career” far beyond what it would have been diving half blind with my old mask. This past week was my inaugural dive trip to Mendocino and Fort Bragg with the new mask and it was like seeing underwater for the first time. I couldnt be any happier unless they were to re-open abalone diving 😉